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Getting Started

This topic gives an overview of the Informatie Vlaanderen Security Framework.

This topic contains the following sections:

Informatie Vlaanderen Security Framework

The access to some Informatie Vlaanderen Applications and SOAP Services is secured using WS-Federation.

In order to gain access to an Informatie Vlaanderen application or service (called Relying Party or RP), a subject (User, application or service) needs to obtain a valid security token from the Security Token Service (STS) for that particular RP.

The Informatie Vlaanderen Security Framework, facilitates the development of Claims Aware Services and Applications, by providing types to:

  • Call claims aware services supporting ActAs and OnBehalfOf scenario's

  • Work with ClaimsIdentity

  • Retrieve specific claims from an ClaimsIdentity instance

Prerequisites for development

For accessing the Informatie Vlaanderen SOAP services you need a Service Account, which is backed up by a certificate, for obtaining a certificate and a service account see Getting an Informatie Vlaanderen Service Account

In order to use the Informatie Vlaanderen Security Framework with .NET, you need the following products.

  • Visual Studio 2017 or higher as the prefered development tool.

  • .NET Framework 4.6.2